Untold Moments: Welcome Home, Mrs. Goth

Bella stared down at the divorce papers on the table, her hand hovering over the dotted line where she was supposed to put her signature. But no matter how loud her brain screamed at her hand to just write her name down and get it over with, her hand couldn’t obey.

She was scared.

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Untold Moments: Doubts, Part II

Ebony hesitantly touched her wife’s shoulder as they left the orphanage.

“Hey… You okay? You were acting a bit… off in there towards the end of the visit. Is something wrong?”

Lilith hated lying to Ebony. It made her feel physically sick. Ebony was the only human woman Lilith had ever been with who knew what she was from the very beginning and it felt liberating. Even the parts of her that she didn’t want Ebony to see, like her dark form and how she hunted, she was honest with Ebony and told her she wanted to keep that part of who she was separate from their life together. And Ebony respected that. So to start lying to her now and lose that honesty made her stomach hurt… but how could she be honest and hurt her? How could she explain that she couldn’t give her wife a family after all because she was a monster who couldn’t feel love like a normal person?

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Untold Moments: A Forbidden Promise

It was all getting to be too much for Ebony Goth.

A controversial wedding between her sister and a vampire, her parents filing for divorce, and now almost losing her sister and niece to scary pregnancy complications. None of it directly affected her and yet all of it deeply affected her. Everything had always cut Ebony so much deeper than most people. She was such a sensitive soul that struggled to bloom her entire life under the constant barrage of bullying she was subjected to over her less-than-ideal looks.

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Echoes of Evermore Pose Pack (PUBLIC RELEASE)

Taylor Swift has been such a source of inspiration and comfort to me ever since I was a teenager learning to navigate this complicated thing called life with her music holding my hand along the way. I wanted to honour my hero with a pose pack that brought a small piece of her world to life. Thank you forevermore, Taylor.

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Easy Silence Pose Pack (PUBLIC RELEASE)

I’ve been feeling overwhelmed lately which inspired me to create this pose pack about just slowing down, taking a deep breath, and enjoying the easy silence between you and someone you love. Appreciate those quiet moments with someone where you don’t have to talk about anything.


  • 5 romantic couple poses of two Sims enjoying quiet moments together.
  • 1 pose has two versions; one for the bed and one for the floor.
  • Thumbnails and descriptions for all poses.



Check out this helpful video by Meek Games!


  • DON’T reupload or edit!
  • DON’T put behind a paywall (especially not Simsdom)!
  • DON’T claim as your own!
  • (Optional) DO tag me if you use them! I love seeing other people enjoying the stuff I make.


Jax the Merdaddy, V: Happy Birthday, Jax!

Marching on his quest, Jax invites Anaya Jang over to his place for a good time. He’s almost made his way through all the San Myshuno ladies but a sudden, terrible realization struck him. Time was passing. A bunch of his kids were in grade school. Some of these lovely ladies on the waiting list for a certified Jax Hidalgo baby wouldn’t stay young enough to have babies for much longer. If he didn’t hurry, at least a quarter of the female population would be wrinkled and grey before Jax ever got to them!

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Jax the Merdaddy, IV: Child Support Woes

One thing that can be said for Jax is that he’s good at keeping a clean home. His baby mommas left the place a total disaster after that chaotic kava party, possibly on purpose as revenge for knocking them up and taking off. Jax just calmly gathered up all the empty plates and kava cups and pulled out the vacuum to get his place in order again.

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Jax the Merdaddy, III: The Kava Party

Sometimes, a merman just needs to take a break from impregnating the entire world and just go for a peaceful swim at sunset. Ohan’ali Town was quickly becoming Jax’s favourite place in Sulani. The calm waters, the hustle and bustle of the beach, and the peaceful little spot to sleep beneath the falls was starting to feel like home to him.

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